The phase 5 pandemic declaration by the WHO, has allowed numerous entities to enact self-serving solutions that otherwise couldn’t have been achieved. First, the hyped crisis officially authorized the use of Tamiflu stockpiles around the globe that are due to expire in 2009-2010. Secondly, the hysteria that emerged from the media hype and government fearmongering, has also allowed for the implementation of a long term plan by vaccine manufacturers, governmental institutions, and virology think-tanks, to use investigational pre-pandemic vaccines to prime the public in advance of a threatened outbreak of a novel hybrid virus.
More than a week after the public announcement of this novel H1N1 strain, the WHO has yet to determine the origin of the virus. The complex reassortment of the novel virus, coupled with the location and time of year of the outbreak, has lead to numerous speculations that the novel virus was the result of a lab creation that either escaped, or was released intentionally to achieve numerous globalist agendas. Surprisingly in 2004, the CDC conducted multiple experiments in an attempt to create a new hybrid virus in a lab. The reason given to perform such dangerous experiments, was the threat of nature creating a hybrid virus with the killing rate of the avian flu, and transmissibility of human flu viruses. Using two methods, first they infected cells in laboratory tissue cultures, with H5N1 avian flu and H3N2 human virus, to see if they would mix. Secondly, they used reverse genetics to assemble a new virus that contained H5N1 and H3N2. Any viable viruses that emerged from these combinations, would in turn be seeded into ferrets, according to David Daigle, CDC spokesman.
Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy
(CIDRAP) reported:
With obvious risks in creating viruses with the potential to spark a pandemic, the work will be done in a biosafety level 3 (BSL-3) laboratory at the CDC in Atlanta Daigle told CIDRAP News.
"We recognize that there is concern by some over this type of work. This concern may be heightened by reports of recent lab exposures in other lab facilities," he said. "But CDC has an incredible record in lab safety and is taking very strict precautions."
The CDC might have a public track record of not accidentally releasing or losing samples, but other labs who perform these types of experiments have. There have been several instances of potentially pandemic virus strains, being released or lost from labs. In an interview with NPR, Professor John Oxford at St. Bart’s and the Royal London Hospital, made the following statement concerning a released strain of H1N1:
Even though health officials are calling this new virus H1N1, that’s also the type of virus that’s in wide circulation today. And it has an interesting history. It was the dominant flu virus through the 1920s, ’30s and ’40s. Oxford says it disappeared in 1957, when it was displaced by another flu virus. But then a strain of H1N1 suddenly reappeared in 1977.
"Now where could it have come from?" he asks. "We reckon now, in retrospect, it was probably released accidentally from a laboratory, probably in northern China or just across the border in Russia, because everyone was experimenting with those viruses at the time in the lab."
It was nothing malicious, Oxford believes, just some flu vaccine research that broke out of containment. The descendents of this virus are still circulating. He notes that most people who have encountered the newly emerged H1N1 virus seem to have developed only mild disease, and he speculates that’s because we have all been exposed to a distant cousin, the H1N1 virus that emerged in the 1970s.
"That escaped virus perhaps will provide some benefit now in the face of this pig thing," Oxford says.
Also in 2005, the WHO reported samples of the H2N2 virus were lost in transit to Mexico, South Korea, and Lebanon.
The AP reported:
In Lebanon, the shipper of a missing sample had released the virus to another shipper for local delivery, but it never arrived at the lab, Stohr told the AP. People were trying to locate the test kit and destroy the sample.
In South Korea, investigators were puzzling over conflicting accounts. Officials at three labs said they had never received shipments made last year, but the shipper had signatures showing they had been delivered, Stohr said.
The virus in question, influenza A(H2N2), was responsible for the flu pandemic of 1957-58, which killed an estimated 1 million to 4 million people. Samples of the pandemic virus had inadvertently been sent to 3,747 labs in 18 countries for a routine assessment that usually relies on more benign flu strains. All but about 75 labs that received the samples are in the United States, according to earlier reports. Fourteen labs are in Canada and 61 are in other countries.
In another potentially pandemic lab mix-up, Baxter shipped live H5N1 samples mixed with ordinary human H3N2 flu to labs in 18 different countries. The dangerous mixture was caught when in February 2009, a lab in the Czech Republic working for Avir, alerted Baxter that, unexpectedly, ferrets inoculated with the sample had died. Ab Osterhaus of Erasmus University in the Netherlands told the The Times of India:
Accidental release of a mixture of live H5N1 and H3N2 viruses could have resulted in dire consequences. While H5N1 doesn’t easily infect people, H3N2 viruses do. If someone exposed to a mixture of the two had been simultaneously infected with both strains, he or she could have served as an incubator for a hybrid virus able to transmit easily to and among people.
In a unconscionable turn of events, Baxter is working with the WHO to develop a new swine flu vaccine based on the Mexican strain.
Finally, the Army reported that 3 vials containing samples of Venezuelan Equine Encephalitis, a virus that sickens horses and can be spread to humans by mosquitoes, were discovered missing after performing an inventory check of a retired scientist’s biological samples.
These facts prove the potential for pandemic virus experiments to escape labs, and be released into the public due to negligence, or criminal intent as in the 2001 Anthrax case.
The CDC later reported with disappointment, that the experiments failed to spread the virus from infected ferrets to healthy ones in neighboring cages.
"We found that they [the viruses] were not able to transmit efficiently," said CDC researcher Dr. Jackie Katz, speaking at a Jul 28 teleconference. "In fact, they were also not as able to cause severe disease as the original H5N1 virus."
According to Dr. Katz, the most important aspect of the research is "the knowledge that this process isn’t simple, the procedure for the virus to acquire the properties of transmissibility."
This means that although hybrids could be created in a lab setting, the result is less lethal and has a reduced transmission rate. Scientists believe the 1918 pandemic arose through slowly accumulating mutations rather than a reassortment event similar to the experiments.
These are very key points to ponder, a controlled novel hybrid virus can be manufactured in a lab that has the genetic signature of a potentially pandemic strain without being lethal. This would explain the puzzled response from doctors who were concerned the new hybrid virus from Mexico was a deadly strain.
Since this new virus was first reported as a swine flu epidemic, let’s look at how swine respond to virus mixing. In a February 2009 article appearing in Eurosurveillance, the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC) states the following:
Swine are susceptible to the same influenza A virus subtypes as humans – H1N1, H3N2 and H1N2 - and the histories of influenza in pigs and people are closely linked [1]. Many swine influenza viruses are a result of reassortment and their genes are composed of human and avian and/or swine virus genes. Indeed, it is known that both human and avian influenza viruses occasionally transmit to pigs, and that pigs can serve as “mixing vessels” for these viruses, meaning that viruses can exchange genetic material and lead to the production of a new “hybrid” virus [2]. This has led to the thinking that perhaps pandemic viruses could emerge following reassortment in pigs. However, since nobody has observed the start of a pandemic, there remains no direct evidence to make this more than a theory.
Even if the magnitude of the risk of swine influenza virus infections to human health is unknown, it seems unlikely to be high.
The unknown element is the risk of reassortment to produce a novel virus, even a pandemic strain either in the pig “mixing vessel” or in a human dually infected with a human and pig strain. In the United States there have recently appeared triple reassortant swine influenza viruses with avian, human and swine genes and these have then transmitted to humans [19,20]. Fortunately, these and similar swine influenza viruses [21] that can infect humans have not yet met any of the criteria to cause a human pandemic.
This is another confirmation from experts at the ECDC, that a hybrid virus that contains a triple reassortment of swine, avian and human flu, was not lethal enough to meet the criteria to justify a global pandemic on par with the 1918 Spanish flu.
Another important clinical report released in February ‘09, proves researchers had previously seen triple reassortant strains in a human host on a farm in Wisconsin in 2005. The 17 year old boy who became ill, was slaughtering pigs without any facial or respiratory protection 3 days prior to his infection. A few chickens were housed at the slaughterhouse premises, but no poultry were slaughtered on site. Similar to the current case in Mexico, no ill pigs were found, and no other family members or workers at the slaughterhouse became ill. A month prior to his infection he had an inactivated influenza vaccine administered intramuscularly. The boys symptoms are consistent with the Mexico outbreak with headache, running nose, low back pain, upper respiratory tract symptoms, and a cough without fever. He was treated and made a full recovery and no other outbreaks occurred in relation to the families farm. Another fact that correlates with the Mexican outbreak is the mean age of the infected, which is 17 according to the CDC.
This is even more evidence that these hybrid triple assortant novel viruses are mild at best, and have a limited ability to be transfered from human to human. It also proves that this virus has been documented before in the US and has the same genetic signature of the novel virus in Mexico. Several different patient cases and experiments show that this virus is relatively mild and has a low human to human transmissibility rate, so why is the Mexico outbreak being hyped up to global pandemic proportions?
Worldwide government stockpiles of Tamiflu set to expire in 2009-2010
Several governments are reporting that their stockpiles of Tamiflu are either at or near the expiration date, here, here, here, here, here, and finally the US.
The aging stockpile presented a problem for several governments, but the Phase 5 alert issued by the WHO would prove to be beneficial. On April 27th, the FDA issued an Emergency Use Authorization (EUA), for Tamiflu (oseltamavir) and Relenza (zanamivir) antivirals, at or nearing expiration.
The FDA press release reports:
The EUA authority permits the FDA to allow use of “unapproved or uncleared medical products or unapproved or uncleared uses of approved or cleared medical products” during an established emergency. Such use ends when either the swine flu emergency is deemed over or the authorization is revoked. Under the EUAs, Tamiflu and Relenza may be given to large population sectors without compliance with label requirements and can be distributed by some public health officials and volunteers based on state and local laws and/or public health emergency responses, explained the FDA.
So it seems the global stockpiling problem has been solved, enabling the use of these expired and expiring products. In turn, governments and other institutions will have to buy more of these antivirals since we are still in the midst of a declared pandemic. This was accurately forecasted by Roche in their 2009 sales projections that were released in a 2008 annual report.
Chugai, the Japanese unit of Swiss drugmaker Roche Holding AG, 2008 annual report to shareholders and investors included the following information specific to the sales of Tamiflu:
FY 2009 Outlook
Increased Sales and Income Expected in FY 2009
Due to Higher Sales of Growth Drivers
In FY2009, we expect revenues of ¥400 billion, up 22.4%
year-on-year, driven by further growth of our major
products. We project a 7.6% increase in product sales
excluding Tamiflu to ¥337.3 billion.
For the year, we forecast sales of Tamiflu to reach ¥53.0
billion, up 531.0%, due to expected resumption of government
stockpiling in FY2009 and the ongoing recovery
of the prescription rate for seasonal influenza.
Roche’s outlook was spot on according to their Q1 earnings released on April 16th.
Global sales of Tamiflu (oseltamivir), for influenza, rose 38% overall to 401 million Swiss francs in the first quarter. Growth was driven by sales to governments and corporations for pandemic stockpiling, including significant new orders in Japan and the United Kingdom, where the governments have announced plans to double the size of their existing stockpiles of antiviral medicines. This more than compensated for lower seasonal sales, particularly in the United States, where flu outbreaks were less severe than in the 2007/2008 season.
Although the profit outlook for Roche looks bright now, this years stock in the U.S. has become relatively ineffective, due to a genetic mutation of the H1N1 strain that now has a 98% resistance to Tamiflu, according to the CDC.
Just so happens that the solution to this problem has also appeared right on time, GlaxoSmithKline has upped production of their inhaled flu drug, Relenza to 5 million a month. The Tamiflu resistant H1N1 strain has proved to be a boost for the antiviral maker with Q1 ‘09 sales of $324 million, which is triple the sales for all of 2008. This is largely due to stockpiling by Japan and the UK, who just received 10.6 million treatment packs in April of 2009 prior to the outbreak.
In another perfectly timed occurrence, GSK has also broke new ground in the emerging pre-pandemic vaccine market according to their press release:
In 2008, GSK became the first company to obtain a European license for a pre-pandemic vaccine, Prepandrix. This vaccine is designed to raise immune protection against several strains of the H5N1 virus. Also in 2008, GSK received a European license for Pandemrix, a ‘mock-up’ pandemic vaccine. This approval, which was based on data involving the H5N1 strain, will also enable faster registration of a potential pandemic vaccine against other strains, including H1N1.
It’s clearly evident this hyped pandemic will result in skyrocketing profits for antiviral makers and their stakeholders like Donald Rumsfeld.
Pre-Pandemic Priming
The subject of priming, was first broke by Dr. Leonard Horowitz’s research into Dr. James S. Robertson, and his connections with the CDC and lucrative biodefense contracts linked to Novavax. Horowitz urged the investigation of Dr. Roberston and Novavax due to the genetically-modified recombinants of the avian, swine, and Spanish flu viruses, H5N1 and H1N1, nearly identical to the unprecedented Mexican virus. Based on Horowitz’s claims, I researched the keyword priming and how it relates to pandemic vaccines, and I stumbled upon an industry push to implement this practice once the perfect crisis emerged.
In a timely press release from April 14th, Novavax and the CDC, released the results from a preclinical study showing that an investigational H1N1 virus-like particle (VLP) vaccine based on the 1918 Spanish influenza strain, protected against both the Spanish flu and a highly pathogenic H5N1 avian influenza strain.
Dr. Gale Smith, Vice President of Vaccine Development at Novavax stated:
"The discovery that a VLP-based influenza vaccine candidate created through cell-based recombinant technology has the potential to protect against diverse strains of influenza has significant implications for both pre-pandemic and pandemic preparedness. A broadly protective vaccine administered prior to and during the first wave of a pandemic could prevent widespread morbidity and mortality from a newly emerged pandemic influenza strain and allow time for the development of strain-specific vaccines."
So we have yet another newly created vaccine, that will be marketed as pre-pandemic immunity from a virus, that just magically arrived in the same time frame. This is a key point to consider, due to a ethical issues preventing this concept from being adopted prior to this outbreak.
The WHO, FDA and several influenza researchers have called for pre-pandemic priming in several industry publications. CIDRAP reports on this issue stating:
Any vaccination that took place before a pandemic was detected would offer uncertain amounts of both benefit and risk. As well, the vaccine might cause a greater-than-expected rate of adverse events, causing both direct harm to recipients and indirect damage to government credibility—results that would be particularly difficult to tolerate if vaccination proved unnecessary because the pandemic did not arrive.
The scientific, logistical, and especially ethical questions raised by pre-pandemic vaccination has prevented this agenda from moving forward, but the recent declared pandemic has created the pretext needed to achieve this goal. Dr. Benjamin Schwartz from the National Vaccine Program Office within the Department of Health and Human Services stated the following in the The Journal of Infectious Diseases:
Extraordinary threats call for consideration of innovative strategies that, in less‐threatening circumstances, might be dismissed. Although it has been assumed that pandemic vaccine cannot be stockpiled or that vaccination cannot occur before the start of a pandemic, might these approaches actually be possible?
In addition, the administration of a vaccine against a viral strain that currently causes no or very limited human disease raises ethical issues, because recipients would be exposed to potential adverse reactions for no definite benefit. Most important, would receipt of a vaccine prepared before the pandemic be effective in providing some protection or in priming recipients so that a single subsequent dose of vaccine would be protective?
This is another confirmation that these researchers need a crisis in order to achieve their goal of mass vaccination of the public, for a pandemic they keep threatening will occur. But wait there’s more, I tracked down Dr. Robertson, who Horowitz implicates in his article, and found a similar opinion on the subject of pre-pandemic priming.
An oral report presented to the Royal Society in 2006 by Dr. Robertson states:
Dr. Wood and Dr. Robertson were asked their opinion on priming the population for a pandemic using live vaccines and if they consider it to be a good idea. However the timing is critical; if live H5N1 vaccines are used now it would be considered too dangerous, but if a pandemic is imminent the risk may be justified. A stockpile of live vaccine, with the cleavage site removed, could be used to prime the population in advance of the pandemic reaching the UK. Even without an exact match in virus strain, it is predicted that this would provide a broad immunity to the population.
All of these statements dovetail with scientific reports published from the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC).
"The consensus in our expert groups was that widespread vaccination of people in EU countries would not, at present, be advisable: the vaccine should be deployed in phase 5 or phase 6 of a pandemic."
This crucial piece of information from the ECDC is further proof of the power of the declared phase 5 from the WHO. We can also assume that other governmental institutions around the globe have reached the same conclusion and will also begin deployment of several of these recently developed pre-pandemic vaccines. The phase 5 creates the perfect pretext to achieve the goal of mass priming of the population, carried out by several governments worldwide under the guise of health safety.
The head of the WHO, Margaret Chan, has warned that the outbreak could mutate and return "with a vengeance" in the fall, further pushing fear in order to prompt the public to seek out these new vaccines.
Now that we have evidence showing that this plan is moving forward, lets take a look at how the operation will take place. Dr. Jesse Goodman, the FDA’s acting chief scientist and deputy commissioner for scientific and medical programs, gave a powerpoint presentation to the FDA in 2007 when he was the Director for the Centers Biologics Evaluation and Research, titled Considerations in the Pre- and Early Pandemic Use of Influenza Vaccine.
In this slideshow, one chart stands out amongst all the other data. The chart titled "the first wave will be declining when vaccine becomes available", displays a bell curve graph that shows an outbreak occur in January, peaks in late March early April, then begins declining in May. The seeded pandemic vaccine strain begins in January, the monovalent production starts in March, with the first pre-pandemic priming beginning in May and June. The people who are to be primed will have either licensed or Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) vaccines injected, depending on the WHO’s declared pandemic phase that was covered earlier in this article. Finally, the chart shows the outbreak dropping off in the summer to end the pre-pandemic period.
Does all this sound familiar? It seems that we are following the exact outbreak progression that this chart demonstrates. This compiled data proves that we are in the midst of a global pandemic beta test, that will lead to an attempt in the fall to mass vaccinate the populace.
Several credible doctors such as Congressman Ron Paul, are exposing this hoax as well, in a video posted on YouTube, he warns that this is a hyped event that government is using, in order to gain more control of peoples lives.
Dr. Mercola, also raised concerns about the origin of this outbreak, due to the nefarious history of vaccine manufacturers and biolabs.
This hoax, whether manufactured or taking advantage of, has enabled all aspects of the New World Order agenda to move forward. Resulting in more control, record profits and the opportunity to pose as the savior for the crisis, justifying the role of global government and all the compartmentalized tentacles that extend from it.
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